Friday, October 31, 2008

Latest Documentation of Email Conversations for G-Mas's Caper

TAG:-----Original Message-----
Cc: Patrick Darnell <>;; Alicia Geades <>; Steve-o <>;
Sent: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 7:38 am
Subject: Re: G-Mas' Rendezvous

I got a few minutes here in between feeding mom and helping her get dressed.
She is with me for the weekend.............we are going xmas shopping at the
dollar store! Yikes on me, very tedious stuff. Then my husband wants to help
him change the blades on the lawnmower.............I am just too popular this

The spread sheet sounds perfect but I no nothing about a blog........I am
computer limited but I can follow orders to a T.

YOU will not go in Winnebego without me! He and I daydream all the time about
doing things like that.

OK, I be waiting.

Love NASEL 1

---- wrote:
Hi again LesannaseL 1,
I will get back to you today. I will put a spread sheet together of everyone's
"volunteered roles." Also, I will put t blog up so we can weigh in and see it
all in one page..

It will all turn out extremely well. Right now I am considering Paul's idea to
rent a Winnebago... meet him there at the Statybridge, and drive on out to
Colorado... and ride the white water. *[kidding]*.

Your Cuzzz
Patrick et al.

-----Original Message-----

---- wrote:
Hi again LesannaseL 1,
I will get back to you today. I will put a spread sheet together of everyone's "volunteered roles." Also, I will put t blog up so we can weigh in and see it all in one page..

It will all turn out extremely well.

Right now I am considering Paul's idea to rent a Winnebago... meet him there at the Statybridge, and drive on out to Colorado...

and ride the white water. *[kidding]*.

Your Cuzzz
Patrick et al.

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To:<>>;;; Paul">>;
Alice home Subject: Re: Caper plans

Hey everybody,

I am adding my sister Alice and brother Paul to this info.

Before I respond did one of you ask me to call Jerre or did I dream this? ..will be happy too, please let me know.

I am so thankful that this is going to pan out for both our moms sake and I thank all who are helping to make this happen.

What dates are we talking about? Becky,the Staybridge is so close to where my daughters live now. They live at Keller Springs and Josey!!! My son Sam used to live at the tollway and Frankford! Such a small world hey?

Who all is coming now?

Jerre and Robert, Pat and Marinell and how many kids?
What does it cost to stay at the Staybridge?
I want to help pay for all this effort! And gas money too.
Pat should I send you some money so you can takecare of these things?Really, let me help please.
How will they eat?
Do Jerre and Bob have specific food needs?
I can have all the food at moms for every meal if that helps. I would just need to know.

Yes Becky we can plan rides etc when we know more.... my moms daily will certainly be fine HOWEVER she needs several hours each morning to be ready. She just can't get up too early and needs a great deal of time to eat and process and do her morning business!

Her body just does not respond quickly anymore.

Oh my gosh she is going to be sooooooooo excited!

I am super excited too and can't wait!
I will be very flexible with picking up and returning folks and meals etc.

So let me know dates, food needs,drink preferences, monies to whom and how.
We shall have a grand visit!
Love Leslie
my home ph is 817-577-8115 and cell is 817-975-6571

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Becky darnell <> wrote:

Hi to all!

I think everyone has the details now on the big trip.? Alicia, don't worry, Dad'll be fine driving with the help of Pat and Marinell.? Thanks Pat for doing that!? I'm assuming the kids are coming?? If so, let me know how many rooms you'll need.And Les, the hotel is the Staybridge Suites at Keller Springs and the Tollway.? Very close to your Mom.? I guess we can plan when and where to meet when we get the dates nailed down.I'm super excited to see everybody!?
Y'all let me know whatever you need me !!!!
Love to all,Becky

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