Thursday, October 30, 2008

Winnebago Convoy is still Best Idea, by Patrick Darnell

Hi again LesannaseL 1,
I will get back to you today. I will put a spread sheet together of everyone's "volunteered roles." Also, I will put t blog up so we can weigh in and see it all in one page..

It will all turn out extremely well. Right now I am considering Paul's idea to rent a Winnebago... meet him there at the Statybridge, and drive on out to Colorado... and ride the white water. *[kidding]*.

Your Cuzzz
Patrick et al.
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I got a few minutes here in between feeding mom and helping her get dressed.
She is with me for the weekend.............we are going xmas shopping at the
dollar store! Yikes on me, very tedious stuff. Then my husband wants to help
him change the blades on the lawnmower.............I am just too popular this

The spread sheet sounds perfect but I no nothing about a blog........I am
computer limited but I can follow orders to a T.

YOU will not go in Winnebego without me! He and I daydream all the time about
doing things like that.

OK, I be waiting.

Love NASEL 1

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