Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Given

by Pat Darnell

When recently we met in Dallas, Farmers Branch, we were not prepared for certain bonuses. Instead of courteous, quiet reserve among relations, tears fell from our middle age eyes. Tears welled up like aquifers too full underground, finding a dusty stream bed to fill above.

A few days later we celebrate a day of thanks. The previous weekend took about eight weeks to plan, but about five years to be prayed about.

I am thankful for cousins, aunts, uncles, pops, moms, children, brothers and sisters. But most wonderful of all is to see our great grand pitter-pattering, and twirling; just like Alice used to do, as she led her siblings in celebrations of modern dance.

And our commander, Robert always on the van guard, flying wing, and scouring
the area for land mines. Robert is the elder one wants on one's side in the final days of any war.

We met at possibly the third front door to hang at Leslie and Bill's House, now under the TLC of Cuzzin' Paul. As we collided like planets, I tried to say "I'm sorry for leaving you to have my own life for the past twenty years." But joy blocked our vocal chords, while tears made our eyes seem larger. Redness rushed to our faces to give us our heartfelt blushes. That feeling, to have again, I am thankful for.

When in the midst of memory lane... much whooping and laughter, to hear that again I am thankful. "See, that is how we are," shouted Alice. Lesan sweating details while hosting our stay, that is once again a mirror of the way it goes.

Vittles and BBQ and tasty bits, on hand-washed dishes.. seems I always have been grateful for that routine. Then new stuff, like little squatty Bud Light cans, Stella Artois and the fact that someone remembered. Auntie Leslie having a cigarette and a cup of wine from her usual perch, and authenticating epilogues to old stories. We will celebrate that for decades to come.

We rushed home with a feeling we would soon be rushing back to Dallas detail and Littlecrest Drive. We go back to our routines of garbage days, feeding dogs, obsessing about living room carpets and dryer vents... rotating food in fridges -- but it all seems to have new purpose now, that wasn't there before.

Is it possible to give thanks in advance? If I were a wise person, then I would remember say thank you to God every time I pray. Thanks, Lord,
in advance for already answering our prayers.

PHOTOs: Lauren christening, Lauren and Daddy, Vinnie and his Cuzzinz


Anonymous said...

You are making me cry!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all more than you can ever know.

Hugs and Kisses,


MooPig said...

Tears are new wine; breaking bread together is Truth, Light and Everlasting.